Okay kids it has been awhile and I apologize, but what can I say I am on vacation and sitting in a cafe and absolutely loving it. It is funny though because I got here on what the 5th of November and it has taken me over a week to actually realize a few things:
1) that I am really here
2) that it is not a weekend get-a-way
3) that I still have a long ways to go before I have to come home
I believe I last left off letting you know that I was going to be going on tour of the wineries and indeed I did. One of Lano's friends rented a van for 10 of us and we headed on out to visit 5 wineries. It was great! Red wines, white wines and even the (not so favored by most) desert wines. You got to figure I would be the one that doesn't actually by any wine from the place we go and have our tastings from, but rather the restaurant we had lunch at. To my defense we did have lunch at a brewery/winery. :)
So that was last Saturday. Last Sunday was the last day we had at Lano's before we picked up the good ole wicked camper. So what were we to do? We definitely had a long day on Saturday with the winery tours and a night out meeting up with another of Lano's friends. Ah we're on vacation so yes, let's take a three hour drive to the Prom! Okay so I wasn't wearing a sequence strappy dress or anything, but I did have on a strappy tank (it's hot down here!). The Prom is known as Wilson's Prom and is a National Park in Australia. It is actually the southern most tip of Australia and had we not gone I would not have seen one of the most beautiful beaches ever. The first was nothing in comparison and would have actually been like any beach in the US, but it was the second beach that we hiked to that was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! If I had access to uploading a photo right now I would...wait let me check....nope sorry
The day couldn't have been better...cloudless and just gorgeous. That is actually what the weather pretty much has been the entire time we have been here. Sunny, cloudless and averaging 70+ to 90 degrees with no humidity (any curly haired girls dream!).
Monday morning it was time to pack up and get ready to pick up what we now refer to as "George" our lovely 'Wicked' camper van. The funniest part about picking George up is that I signed up for an automatic. Little would I know that when we went to pick up our home for the next 6 or 7 weeks that it would not be an automatic b/c they didn't have any. Don't worry dad, no more broken side mirrors just yet (just kidding) ;) That's only b/c I haven't learned yet. hee hee My time will come though, and I gotta give Corrigan a bunch of credit b/c he has been doing all the driving. Lano comes on Saturday so let's just say I have a small little plan to devise being a passenger for a little while longer - mwooo ha ha ha!
So far George has provided us two amazing sunsets, sorry can't report on the sunrises yet b/c I keep sleeping through them. I can tell you that the first sunset was next to a riverbank in Echuca (pronounced u-choo-ka and not u-kook-a) followed by our first night sleeping under an abandoned underpass and the second from the top of a lookout point in Gundugai. We have yet to decide where we are sleeping tonight, but we are in hopes that it has a shower ;) we stink! haha
I tried to get some pics up but it doesn't appear it will be possible...sorry...hopefully in the next town.
toodles for now